PASSION STORIES No. 2 2 JRE’s guiding principle is to support innovative top gastronomy, promote creative chefs and restau- rateurs and, as a unique inter- national network dedicated to exceptional quality, set trends in European cuisine. was the impressive charity donation from JRE-Austria to the Ö3-Wundertüte radio team in 2023, collected during the annual JRE Chef’s Roulette. 12 members sit on the international JRE board, with Daniel Lehmann from Switzerland serving as President. CEO of the business management division based in the Netherlands is former Michelin-starred chef Hans van Manen. € 30,630 Membre d’Honneur is the prestigious title awarded to JRE members upon reaching their 50th birthday. Whilst no longer having voting rights, their passionate ties to the association remain forever. 158 Gault-Millau toques are impressive testimony to the quality of the 43 Austrian JREs, some of whom also run equally acclaimed inns alongside their gourmet restaurants. This is further complemented by 145 Falstaff forks and 132 A la Carte stars. The association admits only those chefs and restaurateurs who stand for the highest quality and are not older than 40 years of age at the time of joining – based upon stringent, anonymous reviews. of the historic Rialto Towers in Melbourne, Australian celebrity chef Shannon Bennett creates a JRE vibe at the other end of the world. in 2024 connects around 400 restaurants in 16 countries, which, with their more than 7,000 employees, collectively excite up to 14,000 diners daily. The correct English pronunciation is basically “j-uhh-n rest-o-ra-teurs” or just say the three English letters “j-r-e”. 2013 Salzburg, with its Festival Hall, Gwandhaus, Hangar 7, and Carpe Diem Bar-Restaurant, becomes the spectacular stage for the first European Congress in Austria. 2004 Josef Floh, the “Blumentritt-Sisters” Christa & Ulli, Otto Bayer, and Simon Taxacher found JRE-Austria. The birth of the French “Jeunes Restaurateurs” in Paris, expanding to a Europe-wide umbrella organization in the late 1980s. 50 years of JRE and founded in Paris – the perfect occasion to celebrate this year’s European Congress on April 7/8 in the French metropolis, promising unsurpassed culinary enjoyment! 1974 ON THE 55TH FLOOR SIMPLY SCAN AND DIVE INTO THE WORLD OF EUROPE’S BEST RESTAURANTS. Photo: Chris Molloy Photo: Joerg Lehmann Photo: istock/Filed Image Photo: Martin Krachler